Master Your Life

What People Are Saying About Our Books:

"I have been a success coach for 30 years and have worked with countless companies and individuals. There are many necessary tools and characteristics that will enhance your journey and render it successful. These tools are found within the Success Handbook. Dr. Pierre and Amanda have carefully chosen appropriate quotations and interspersed them with effective exercises - all designed to aid you on your journey towards success. By using the tools within this book, you will be further ahead on your journey towards attaining success by your own definition."

Jack Canfield,
Co-author of The #1 New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul ® series and The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

Seminars & Presentations

Dr. Pierre and Amanda Dalcourt are available for a variety of presentations and workshops related to the topics of the Master Your Life™ series. They have presented to both small and large groups, companies and to thousands of people at seminars. For more information on their upcoming seminars or their availability to speak for your organization, please contact Dr. Pierre and Amanda using our Contact Us page.

Dr. Pierre and Amanda Dalcourt

Dr. Pierre P. Dalcourt, D.C., D.Ac. and Amanda Dalcourt, B.Sc.(P.T.), Dip MDT have a successful Chiropractic and Physiotherapy practice in Northern Ontario, Canada. They have dedicated their professional lives to serving their patients and to developing tools to enhance the timely healing from the physical, mental and spiritual scars of life.